Nigst Eleni Mohammed Memorial Hospital is situated in Hadiya zone at Hosanna town in the South Nations Nationalities and Peoples Republic. It is a known fact that drugs are important for disease prevention as well as curative purpose and hence saves life .But this indispensable remedy by its nature has unwanted adverse effect. Knowing this nature of drugs, all health providers should participate in preventing &managing undesirable adverse drug events (ADE). Nigst Eleni Mohammed Memorial Hospital has assigned an ADE focal person to promote drug safety and are also reporting Adverse drug events to FMHACA .As the focal person said; In the hospital, they have an experience of preventing unwanted drug effects by designing channels .By identifying and reporting adverse drug events they are minimizing hospital stay, reducing patient and hospital related cost and also rearranging patient drug choice or regimen. Similarly, they are providing the Allergy Identification card which w a s p r e p a r e d a n d distributed by FMHACA. Their advice to all health providers in the country is to participate in preventing &managing undesirable drug effects. True ! Products quality defects that are encountered during the drug supply management cycle are also monitored through the spontaneous reporting system of the National Pharmacovigilance system. How ? After reports are sent by using the three methods of ADE reporting (back page of the yellow prepaid reporting form, telephone and via internet) further investigation including sampling and laboratory analysis are carried out. This will finally result into a recommendation for action and an official letter will be communicated to the responsible organization for action. So be part of this!!!!!!!